Category Archives: Obama

Al-Qaeda 100% Pentagon Run


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Obama on Non-Criminal Illegal Aliens: We Don’t Want to Deport Them; ‘We Want Them To Succeed’

( – President Barack Obama on Monday told a student who has received a deportation notice that he does not want to deport her — he wants people like her to succeed.

The exchange happened during a town hall event sponsored by the Spanish-language television network Univision at a Washington, D.C., school.

A student, who appeared via Skype, asked: “My question for the president is, why [is the government] saying that deportations have stopped — or the detention of many students like me, why is it that we are still receiving deportation letters like this one?”

Obama answered, “We have redesigned our enforcement practices under the law to make sure that we’re focusing primarily on criminals, and so our deportation of criminals are up about 70 percent. Our deportation of non-criminals are down, and that’s because we want to focus our resources on those folks who are destructive to the community.

“And for a young person like that young woman that we just spoke to who’s going to school, doing all the right things, we want them to succeed,” Obama said.

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Posted by on 03/29/2011 in Obama


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Angry Trump Fires Back: Here’s My Official Birth Certificate — Where’s Yours?


By David A. Patten | Tuesday, 29 Mar 2011 01:24 PM

Billionaire real estate developer and rising GOP 2012 prospect Donald Trump is firing back at mainstream media reports that the birth document he provided exclusively to Newsmax on Monday was invalid.

Trump has provided Newsmax a signed, dated Certificate of Birth from the City of New York’s Department of Health.

The new birth certificate states that Trump was born in the borough of Queens on June 14, 1946. It is signed by the mayor, the acting registrar of records, and the commissioner of health.
Trump said that once he realized the document he provided Newsmax on Monday was not an official birth certificate, it only took him a couple of hours to clear up the matter and locate the official document.

“Some in the media were challenging my birth certificate,” Trump told Newsmax Tuesday morning in an email. “So I solved the problem in a couple hours: here is my official Department of Health Birth Certificate.

Trump said he is asking for Obama to make his birth certificate public, though he was not suggesting he believes the President was born outside of the country.

“Anyone can get an official birth certificate — in New York it costs you about $38. I felt obligated to take it to the next step, and get even more than the original hospital birth certificate I provided.

“It is my honor to present my official birth certificate to the public. Look, I am proud to be an American. It was very easy to do.”

Read more on Angry Trump Fires Back: Here’s My Official Birth Certificate — Where’s Yours?
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama’s Re-Election? Vote Here Now!


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Posted by on 03/29/2011 in Election 2012, Obama


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Liberals Willing to Trade Blood and Treasure for Oil Company Profits Under Obama

Eric Blair
March 28, 2011

It’s perplexing to see a high level of support for the unprovoked bombing of Libya on so-called “progressive” websites.

There has been an endless stream of humanitarian propaganda flowing from these sites trying to convince average liberals that the “human thing to do” is to rain down tomahawk missiles with depleted uranium to bring freedom and democracy to an oppressed people.

Huffington Post ran a piece by Ed Schultz titled Why I Support President Obama’s Decision to Invade Libya where he described his reasoning as follows:

…President Obama explained this won’t be a long-term operation.

Matter of days, not a matter of weeks. Not even months.

…He’s (Obama) trying to give the rebels, those who want democracy, a fighting chance at just that and trying to stop Gaddafi — this is the human thing to do — from slaughtering his own people.

By the very use of the word “invade” in the title, Schultz would seem to understand that the continued military support is likely to last for quite some time.  Indeed, this was confirmed on Sunday morning when Defense Secretary Gates and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hinted that the operation could indeed last for months, which seems to debunk Schultz’s main argument that it’s only a days-long conflict.  This justification is reminiscent of Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld falsely stating that the Iraq war would be quick and easy — only cost a couple of a billion dollars that would be paid for by Iraqi oil.

Additionally, Schultz and others making the “humanitarian” argument that we needed to prevent Gaddafi from slaughtering his own people is convoluted at best, if not a blatant hypocritical contradiction.  It has become clear that the United States and their imperial partners, Britain and France, are picking and choosing which civil uprisings and which dictators to support with no genuine concern for democracy or civil rights.

Everyone with an objective view knows by now that this intervention is about protecting oil resources and making sure Israel survives these revolutionary times in the Arab world. Whether it’s control over Egypt’s Suez Canal, Libya’s sweet crude, or propping up the tyrannical Saudi regime in the face of protesters there, this selective military action in Libya seems to be exactly what liberals screamed about during Bush’s preemptive oil wars.

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Posted by on 03/28/2011 in Libya, Obama, World at War


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‘Obamacare’ is a failed experiment

John Thune is shown speaking at a podium. | AP photo

‘American people are going to overpay,’ says John Thune. | AP PhotoClose
By SEN. JOHN THUNE | 3/23/11 4:41 AM EDT

It has been one year since Obamacare was signed into law.

This is the same law about which then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.” It is the same law that Pelosi and her Democratic colleagues jammed through Congress. The same unpopular law that led to Democrats losing control of the House.

After a year of learning what is in the law — and seeing its effect on families, small businesses and our economy — it is now clear that Obamacare is a failed experiment. Sadly, this failure was predictable and very expensive.

When Sen. Barack Obama was running for president, he repeatedly promised that he was going to reduce “every family’s premiums by as much as $2,500.” We were supposed to see these savings by the end of 2012.

Despite these promises, the amount individuals and families pay for health care and insurance continues to rise. Average premiums for individual plans, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, are predicted to increase by $2,100 per family over the next five years under the law.

Instead of receiving the $2,500 reduction promised, families will be paying more and more for their health insurance, thanks in no small part to the new government mandates.

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Posted by on 03/28/2011 in Health & You, Obama


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Healthcare Expert Capretta: Obamacare Is Sick Law

NewsMax | By Henry J. Reske and Ashley Martella | Monday, 28 Mar 2011 12:25 PM

President Barack Obama’s highly touted healthcare reform law offers bad medicine at higher costs for patients, healthcare expert James Capretta tells Newsmax.TV.

Obamacare will propel rationed services, limit Medicare coverage options for seniors, and create a huge new bureaucracy to run it, says Capretta, co-author of a new book, “Why Obamacare Is Wrong for America.”

In other words, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act signed into law a year ago March 23 doesn’t live up to its name, because it will do neither, Capretta said during the exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV.

(Video here)

“Rationing occurs when the government pays a very low rate for a service so low that the suppliers of the service no longer are willing to supply it so they leave the marketplace,” said Capretta, who was the top budget official for healthcare during the George W. Bush administration. “So, people then have fewer options to go see and get that service. That’s what’s happening under this law.

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Trump: Obama Policies Will Cause UK-Like Protests in US

NewsMax | By Jim Meyers | Monday, 28 Mar 2011 12:51 PM

Donald Trump, photo, OPEC, ObamaBillionaire Donald Trump says the massive demonstration that rocked London during the weekend will “absolutely happen” in the United States because of the economic policies of the Barack Obama administration.

More than 250,000 people took to the streets in London on Saturday to protest Britain’s toughest spending cuts since World War II.

Appearing on “Fox & Friends” on Monday morning, Trump said about the demonstration: “I think very strongly it is going to happen here, if Obama continues and remains our president, because he’s not fighting for us.

“He’s allowing other countries to take advantage of us. OPEC is a joke, what they’re doing, and China. I mean, most of our money’s going to OPEC and China, and we don’t have money for our people.

“So I would fully say that if this attitude persists, it will absolutely happen in the United States, and bigger and better than what you’re watching over in London.”

The real estate tycoon, who has announced he is strongly considering a run for president in 2012, added: “We’re spending money, and we’re losing money and jobs to other countries. If this weren’t happening, you wouldn’t have to make those social cuts. We have people who absolutely have no idea what they’re doing running this country.”

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Picture of the Day

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Posted by on 03/28/2011 in Libya, Obama, World at War


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Obama’s Fiscal Policies Doom Retirement for Millions

Saturday, 26 Mar 2011 07:26 PM

By Chris Gonsalves

President Barack Obama’s misguided federal policies have stunted economic growth and endangered the American dream of a comfortable retirement, financial commentator and best-selling author Robert Wiedemer tells Newsmax.

“The government absolutely shares culpability in this,” Wiedemer says. “Government policies are responsible for a great many of our financial problems — the state of Americans’ retirements included.”

Wiedemer says such attitudes are a natural extension of the bad example Washington sets with its spending habits. “The idea with retirement is that you are supposed to save part of what you make,” he says. “So, what is the government doing? They are saying, ‘We don’t care how much we make, we’re going to spend a ton more than that and we’re not going to save anything.’ That sets up the mentality that you don’t have to worry about this anymore.”

Obama’s federal policies have fueled high unemployment and are claiming new victims, financial experts say: A record number of Americans now say they doubt they’ll be able to afford a comfortable retirement.

A new survey indicates that fear is heightened among a growing swath of U.S. workers who have little savings and no long-term financial game plan. Rather than adjusting the way they save for their golden years, most are simply lowering their expectations with plans to continue working well beyond normal retirement age, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute’s annual Retirement Confidence Survey.

The report, released last week, shows 27 percent of American workers are not confident they’ll have enough money to retire and live well. That’s up 5 percent from last year, and marks the highest level of unease ever measured in the 21 years of the survey by EBRI, a Washington-based nonprofit research firm focused on health, savings, and retirement issues.

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US, NATO promoting ‘New World Order’

Libya says that mainly civilians have been killed in the recent US-led airstrikes against the country and as the bombing continues, Western leaders struggle with the decision as to which country will lead the war effort.

Press TV interviewed political commentator, James Morris, regarding NATO and the United States’ involvement in Libya.

Press TV: We are hearing of disagreements between NATO members about who is taking over the command of military operations. It started with France getting involved and then the US and Britain. Turkey has been one of the main countries that have disagreed while Italy is saying that it wants NATO to take over. Tell us what you think are the sources of the disagreements. Why is there resistance for NATO to take over?

Morris: It was sold as a no-fly zone with no casualties, or very few casualties as if it would be a very quick in and out. What we are seeing now, which was actually pushed for by the French and the British. Surprisingly Obama bought it but he even had to be pressured. You had Hillary Clinton, Samantha Power and also Susan Rice push him to do it. I can understand why he wanted to do it because he was worried about Benghazi and the political ramifications of let’s say 100,000 people being slaughtered there by Gaddafi.

I’m no fan of Gaddafi and I think he should go too, but I don’t think America should get involved with an Arab tribal civil war as Congressman Ron Paul has said about the no-fly zone. I think the countries that are resisting are seeing the effects of what’s been happening for the past several days. People are being killed. A no-fly zone is an attack on Libya, which is an act of war, as Robert Gates said, the Secretary of Defense, and the neo-conservatives were going after him for that because they never see a war that they don’t like.

They want to set up intervention in Iran by having us not only have a no-fly zone over Libya but they are now calling for ground troops as well. I saw neo-con Kristol on Fox news, which is a neo-con propaganda channel in America that airs in England and around the world on satellite. He is actually calling for ground troops now. I think that is where we are leading. I heard something on the news earlier tonight (I think CNN) and they were saying outside Misratah you’ve got pro-Gaddafi regime tanks that are firing on the city and they are dug in.

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Top Ten Things Obama Never Told You About Obamacare

From Americans For Tax Reform on Wednesday, March 23, 2011 9:26 AM

1. Did you know that . . . since Jan. 1 of this year (2011), you cannot use your flex-account at work (FSA) or health savings account (HSA) to purchase over-the-counter medicines?

2. Did you know that . . . since July 1 of last year (2010), Americans have been paying a 10 percent excise tax on all indoor tanning services?

3. Did you know that . . . starting in 2018, if your health insurance is “too good” or considered a “Cadillac” plan, then you will incur a new 40 percent tax on your health plan?

4. Did you know that . . . Obamacare has 21 new or higher taxes in it, totaling over $500 billion in increased taxes going to the government over 10 years?

5. Did you know that . . . beginning in 2014, individuals and families that do not purchase “qualifying”  — as defined by federal bureaucrats — health insurance will be forced to pay a yearly tax penalty?

6. Did you know that . . . 7 tax hikes in Obamacare directly break President Obama’s “firm pledge” not to raise any form of taxes on individuals making less than $200,000 per year and families making less than $250,000 per year?

7. Did you know that . . . the capital gains tax rate under Obamacare will rise to 23.8 percent starting in 2012? That is a 59 percent increase from its current rate.

8. Did you know that . . . in 2013, those Americans facing the highest medical bills and the least ability to pay for them will find their ability to deduct medical expenses is further limited (medical expenses must be reduced by 10 percent of income under Obamacare, rather than current law’s 7.5 percent)

9. Did you know that . . . beginning in 2014, businesses with over 50 employees will be forced to offer health coverage for everyone, or pay a hefty tax for each employee?

10. Did you know that . . . in 2013, Obamacare caps the amount individuals and families can put in their flexible savings accounts at $2500? Currently there is no cap and these accounts are used for a myriad of health expenses including paying upwards of $14,000 in tuition to special needs schools for some parents?
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How killing Libyans became a moral imperative

(Selection from Patrick Buchanan’s article below)

Until the modern era, the idea of sending armed forces across oceans to kill and die for moral or humanitarian causes would have been seen as an insult to the Founding Fathers, an abandonment of a vital American tradition and ruinous to the national interest.

Why are we in Libya? Why are U.S. pilotsbombingand killing Libyan soldiers who have done nothing to us?

These soldiers are simply doing their sworn duty to protect their country from attack and defend the only government they have known from what they are told is an insurgency backed by al-Qaida and supported by Western powers after their country’s oil.

Why did Obama launch this unconstitutional war?

Moral, humanitarian and ideological reasons. ThoughRobert Gatesand the Pentagon had thrown ice water on the idea of intervening in a third war in the Islamic world – in asandboxon the northern coast of Africa – Obama somersaulted and ordered the attack, for three reasons
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Gerald Celente on Libya and the Economy


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Obama’s War on the Middle Class

Whenever he is in campaign mode, President Obama goes to great lengths to remind voters that he is “struggling to defend the middle class.” As he did in January 2010, Obama speaks of the middle class as “under assault” (by whom he does not specify). In his Labor Day radio address of 2010, he spoke of his “commitment to the middle class.” As evidence of this commitment, Obama established a “Middle Class Task Force” early in his presidency chaired by Vice-President Biden. With Biden in charge, why worry?

It should be obvious that Obama and the left wing of the Democratic Party are not struggling to defend the middle class. Most of the time they are struggling to disenfranchise it by ignoring the basic rights of human liberty and of property that are guaranteed under our Constitution.

The 18% real rate of unemployment during Obama’s first two years in office has not done much for the middle class. At the same time, there has been an enormous transfer of wealth from the middle class to the underclass. ObamaCare, financial services reform, mortgage reform, education reform, tax reform: in all of these areas, the administration’s efforts have been to create and expand services for the poor at the expense of the middle class.

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Posted by on 03/24/2011 in Financial/ Economic, Obama


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Time to impeach Obama, pull his Nobel Prize, and elect a non-interventionist

21 March, 2011, 17:55

Obama’s attack in Libya is as ill advised and mismanaged as his Afghanistan Surge or his domestic stimulus-spending circus.Without the approval of the US Congress, President Obama sent 110 Tomahawk Missiles into Libya. President Obama’s claimed political goals were to force Qaddafi out of power. His words mean little, because almost everyone in the military world knows we cannot overthrow a government without troops on the ground.

In response to the Obama, Admiral Mike Mullen said, “Were only protecting civilians, and letting Libyans handle their own politics. This is a short mission”.In other words, the hawkish Democrats in Washington are at odds with the military commanders.

Hawkish leftovers from the Bush era like George Will, Rep. Jane Harmon, and the Council of Foreign Relations Chair Richard Hass claimed unanimously, “Bombing Libya is a dumb decision”.Yet, Obama continues to march on with one decision after another that is destroying the American republic.

What does Libya mean in the endgame? Stephen Walt asks “If we do go into Libya, and it ends up being harder than we think, and then something serious happens somewhere else (North Korea, the South China Sea, Sudan, the Horn of Africa, Mexico, etc.), what do we do then”?

No one has the answer for this very relevant question.

The only solution rests in our constitution. It is time to impeach Obama. The US legislature and judiciary branch should conduct hearings on the strikes in Libya, and his secret renditions in Yemen and Pakistan and bring back a constitutional convention.

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Congress drafts bill to defund Libya war

Members of the US congress are looking into the possibility of pulling the US out of Libya by preventing US President Barack Obama from spending any money on the operation.

The lawmakers behind the bill argue Obama failed to receive congressional authorization and is essentially waging an unconstitutional war.

Leading the call to defund the mission is Republican Congressman Tim Johnson, who opposes intervening in Libya – even with congressional approval.

I think this, combined with our presence in Afghanistan and Iraq … just elevates hatred toward America and western democracies, throughout the Middle East. This is just one more nail in the coffin, so to speak,” Johnson told The Huffington Post.

He argued there is no threat from Libya to the national security of the US and called Obama a “war-mongering president who’s belied everything he stands for and everything we thought we stood for.”

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Obama tarnishes Nobel Peace Prize with “indiscriminate” military action in Libya

20 March, 2011, 18:22

Moscow harshly condemns an international military operation against forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, while Washington downplays its role in the hostilities.

It has taken US President Barack Obama just over one year – and less than that if we consider that he earlier agreed to keep open the Guantanamo Bay detention facility – to damage his Nobel Peace Prize, awarded in Oslo, Norway in October 2009.

On Saturday, US warships unleashed a massive sea-based missile salvo against targets inside of Libya, where Col. Muammar Gaddafi has been engaged in a desperate showdown against anti-government forces. The battle is largely centered on the city of Benghazi, where oppositional forces have announced an “interim Libyan government.”

US warships and submarines fired more than 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles into Libyan territory to disable air-defense systems, allowing French and British fighter jets to more easily enforce a no-fly zone. The attack on Libya marks the third Muslim country that the United States is now engaged in military operations with.

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Lew Rockwell: US enjoys dropping $1.5m missiles to kill


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US fires Tomahawks, teachers at the same time


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You Tube Admits To Freezing View Count On Biden Impeachment Video

By both Biden’s and Obama’s own admissions, they should be removed from office

Steve Watson
March 23, 2011

Youtube has admitted to freezing the viewcount on a viral video of Vice President Joe Biden that highlights the hypocrisy of the Obama administration as it engages in military aggression against Libya.

The video (below) dates from 2007 and shows Biden, then preparing for a presidential run, appearing on the Chris Matthews show on MSNBC.

In the video Biden is asked if he sticks by comments that bombing Iranian interests without Congressional approval would be an impeachable offense, to which he replies he absolutely does.

The video was posted at the top of The Drudge Report earlier today, a website that conservatively receives 36 million visits per day, making it the most highly ranked news website on the web.

Under the headline Could Obama be Impeached over Libya? Let’s ask Biden, the video has been drawing thousands of hits as viewers have drawn the comparison to the subversion of Congressional authority by Biden and Obama via US involvement in UN sanctioned attacks on pro-Gaddafi forces and buildings.

While such activity would normally send the video to the top of searches and to the front pages of, where many millions more would see it, the viewcount on the video is stuck firmly at just 301 views.

(SEE FULL ARTICLE) >>>  YouTube releases statement to CNS News on view counts

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Posted by on 03/23/2011 in Libya, Obama, World at War


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