Category Archives: Staged Terror

Al-Qaeda 100% Pentagon Run


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Anwar Al Awlaki Terrorist? Or Pentagon / CIA Asset?

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Posted by on 03/30/2011 in 9/11, Staged Terror


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WWIII: One Nation at a Time

Tony Cartalucci
March 20, 2011

The globalists are infiltrating, corrupting, and turning the entire planet, one nation at a time in a combined scientific-geopolitical dictatorship that will be effectively impossible to reverse once it is completed. The latest Western-fueled conflagration in the Arab world indicates an accelerated regional strategy of destabilizing and taking over target nations. Nations like Russia and China, whose interests are being directly threatened and stripped away in this malicious melee, appear powerless and unprepared.

Some nations succumb in silence behind the scenes, others are invaded, mercilessly brutalized, and assimilated into the globalist combine. The civil society overlay the globalists use to establish what amounts to a subversive shadow government is always creeping forward no matter how hard a target nation may try to ward it off. Only in the most extreme cases, such as Qaddafi’s Libya has civil society been uprooted entirely – making military intervention an acceptable and inevitable alternative from a globalist perspective.

Indeed there is a battle raging between the corporate-financier oligarchs of New York and London and their ever growing collection of globalist stooges and vassal states worldwide against the rest of free humanity. Each nation that falls to the globalists, however far from our own shores it may be, empowers and emboldens them and is one nation closer to their ultimate goal of one world government.

They have created a perfect system, a strategy of tension, where we wrestle with one battle after another, work to head-off one war after another, expose meddling and subversion in one nation after another all while their agenda moves ever forward.

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U.S. Government Backs Libyan Al-Qaeda While Hyping Terror Attacks Inside U.S.

Hypocrisy run rampant: Obama administration fearmongers about Libyan-backed terrorists carrying out reprisal attacks in America while launching air strikes to support terrorists in Libya

Paul Joseph Watson
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Achieving new heights of hypocrisy, the U.S government is hyping the threat of Libyan-backed reprisal terror attacks inside the United States, while launching air strikes in support of so-called “protesters” who have commandeered fighter jets and tanks, and are in fact Islamic fundamentalist Al-Qaeda cells who want to impose sharia law in Libya.

The New York Times reports that Libya may “lash out” against the Orwellian “no fly zone,” which in reality represents constant bombardment, by sending terrorists to carry out attacks against U.S. interests.

“Asked if American officials feared whether Colonel Qaddafi could open a new terrorism front, President Obama’s top counterterrorism official John O. Brennan said: “Qaddafi has the penchant to do things of a very concerning nature. We have to anticipate and be prepared for things he might try to do to flout the will of the international community.”

“Al Qaeda has a demonstrated track record of trying to exploit political vacuums, political change or uncertainty in a number of countries,” Mr. Brennan added. “The situation in Libya now will be no exception.”

This is pretty rich considering the fact that it was British MI6 and the CIA who paid Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda $100,000 dollars to assassinate Gaddafi in 1996.

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Glenn Beck’s Shtick? Alex Jones Got There First

Rolling Stones
By Alexander Zaitchik
MARCH 4, 2011 3:02 PM ET

Long before he inadvertently brought an end to a popular sitcom by hosting last week’s mega-viral interview with Charlie Sheen, talk-radio host Alex Jones established himself as a giant in America’s conspiracy subculture. The godfather of the 9/11 Truth Movement, Jones is the most popular chronicler of what he believes is a New World Order plot to enslave the global population.

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Computer Expert: US Was Behind Stuxnet Virus

Paul Joseph Watson
March 4, 2011

Computer Expert: US Was Behind Stuxnet Virus 040311top

A computer expert at the influential TED Conference in California has confirmed what the New York Times already admitted in January – that the same governments calling for draconian cybersecurity powers in order to protect against cyber warfare were themselves the culprits behind an act of cyber warfare that could have triggered a new Chernobyl disaster in launching the Stuxnet worm attack against Iran.

Ralph Langner, dubbed by his peers as “one of the best technical minds working in the field of industrial control system security,” said that the Stuxnet virus, which was used to attack Iranian computer systems that controlled water supplies, oil rigs, power plants and other critical infrastructure at the Bushehr nuclear reactor plant, was created by the United States with assistance from Israel.

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World cheers as the CIA plunges Libya into chaos

David Rothscum
David Rothscum Reports
March 2, 2011

How was Libya doing under the rule of Gadaffi? How bad did the people have it? Were they oppressed as we now commonly accept as fact? Let us look at the facts for a moment.

Before the chaos erupted, Libya had a lower incarceration rate than the Czech republic. It ranked 61st. Libya had the lowest infant mortality rate of all of Africa. Libya had the highest life expectancy of all of Africa. Less than 5% of the population was undernourished. In response to the rising food prices around the world, the government of Libya abolished ALL taxes on food.

People in Libya were rich.

Libya had the highest gross domestic product (GDP) at purchasing power parity (PPP) per capita of all of Africa. The government took care to ensure that everyone in the country shared in the wealth. Libya had the highest Human Development Index of any country on the continent. The wealth was distributed equally. In Libya, a lower percentage of people lived below the poverty line than in the Netherlands.

How does Libya get so rich?

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Terrorist Who Trained London Bombers May Have Worked For US Gov

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, February 14, 2011

Terrorist Who Trained London Bombers Was Working For US Government 140211top2

While talking heads like Glenn Beck continue to invoke the threat of radical Islam, they habitually ignore the blindingly obvious, that radical Islam is a creature of the US military-industrial complex. Case in point – the terrorist who trained the London bombers was a US informant and has been freed after serving only four and a half years of a possible 70-year sentence.

Citing his “exceptional co-operation,” in working with US authorities, a New York Judge released Mohammed Junaid Babar despite him pleading guilty to five counts of terrorism, an outcome that has, “Raised questions over whether Babar was a US informer at the time he was helping to train the ringleader of the 7 July tube and bus bombings,” reports the London Guardian.

Babar admits to consorting with high level “Al-Qaeda” terrorists, as well as “providing senior members with money and equipment, running weapons.” He also set up a training camp in Pakistan in 2003 where alleged 7/7 ringleader Mohammad Sidique Khan learned bomb-making techniques.

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Posted by on 02/14/2011 in Staged Terror


Fox News: Underwear Bomber was Inside Job


Talk Show Host, Alex Jones, Calls DHS About Terror Fraud


Is Terrorism Ever Used As A Political Tool?

In a 2009 broadcast of Chris Matthew’s Hardball, Matthews discusses the gap between Obama and the American people with former advisor to Clinton, Mark Penn, in a disturbing interview.  Penn draws the similarity between Clinton and Obama’s low approval ratings and states that Obama may need an event similar to the Oklahoma City bombing (OKC) to boost his support amongst the American people.

“Remember, President Clinton reconnected through Oklahoma, right,” Penn states. “And President right now, he seems removed. It wasn’t until that speech that he really clicked with the American public. Obama needs a similar kind of happening.”

This claim that hundreds of Americans need to die or be injured to make Americans run to their leader is outrageous and was not questioned by Chris Matthews who claims to ask the hard questions on his show “Hardball”.

But Mark Penn is not the only former Clinton official to voice that America needs a terror attack to help the president.  Former economic advisor to Clinton, Robert Shapiro stated, “He [Obama] has to find some way between now and November of demonstrating that he is a leader who can command confidence and, short of a 9/11 event or an Oklahoma City bombing, I can’t think of how he could do that.”

These comments are treasonous and deserve to be investigated further.  The claims by these officials would suggest that terrorism exists in the deck of political cards if public opinion needs to be adjusted to continue the agenda.

On a broadcast of Glenn Beck, Beck examines the interview on Hardball and says, “They are setting up an Oklahoma City.” Beck implies in his broadcast that he or dissenters of big government will be blamed for the next attack.

But are there any basis to the claim that governments stage crises or false-flag operations (operations carried out by governments made to seem as though it were carried out by other entities to sway public opinion or gain support)?

According to Seymour Hersh a Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist, “neocons” met with Vice-President Dick Cheney on how to jumpstart a war with Iran.

“There was a dozen ideas proffered about how to trigger a war,” Hersh recalls. “The one that interested me the most was why don’t we build — we in our shipyard — build four or five boats that look like Iranian PT boats. Put Navy seals on them with a lot of arms. And next time one of our boats goes to the Straits of Hormuz, start a shoot-up.”

The news of dead Navy seals would enrage Americans as they call on their president to attack the “evil” Iranians, just as their leaders have called for.

The idea that governments stage crises to start wars is recognized by many historians.  According to an article in the The Telegraph, “Historians find ‘proof’ that Nazis burnt Reichstag.”  The article states that historians have found no proof that Communists burned down the Reichstag as claimed by the Nazis.  After reviewing 50,000 documents in archives from East Germany and the Soviets, they concluded that the event that Hitler used to launch his war and his tyrannical clamp down on Germany was in fact staged by the Nazis.

Though many Americans could accept the fact that other governments could stage a false-flag, none would think it was possible for elements within their own government could be behind something so outrageous or nefarious.

In a declassified military document titled, “Operation Northwoods,” elements of the US government drafted plans to stage a false-flag event to provide the reason to attack Cuba.  An article by ABC on the document stated, “In the early 1960s, America’s top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.”

The operation called for blowing up a US ship, attempts to hijack commercial airplanes, arresting Cuban agents to make the attack appear legit, and creating a communist Cuban terror campaign in Miami and Washington.

Such an event would enrage American leaders, invite the support of the international community, and frighten Americans who would call on their leaders to avenge the dead and keep them safe.

Since 2001 the US has witnessed 9/11, the Forthood Shooting, and the Christmas Day (Underwear) bomber attempt. These events have the same person in common, the number three in al Qaeda, Anwar al-Awlaki. According to Fox News and CBS News, al-Awlaki met at the Pentagon as part of an “outreach program” to the Taliban after 9/11.  No where in the articles do they mention he was at the very least questioned about 9/11 or other previous attacks. It is very suspicious that al-Awlaki was invited to dine at the Pentagon and he is wanted for links 9/11.

The events surrounding 9/11 also cause suspicion, but deserve a complete article to themselves. Briefly, there is the fact that the Bush administration was opposed to the creation of a panel for months until the White House and Congress could agree on the terms of the investigation.  There is also the fact that the Bush administration had plans to invade Afghanistan,  MSNBC, and plans to attack Iraq, CBS News, prior to 9/11.  According to Newsweek five of the alleged hijackers may have trained at US military bases.  In addition Pakistani ISI General Ahmed met with the Senior Joint Chief of Staff right before 9/11, and Ahmed then funneled $100,000 to the head hijacker Mohammed Atta, according to Times of India.  On 9/11 World Trade Center 7, the third high-rise to collapse that day, was “pulled” according lease holder Larry Silverstein.

In addition to all this, there are hours of testimony from firefighters, news reporters and first responders about secondary explosions in the buildings, that were completely ignored by the 911 Commission, though 6 of the ten members have voiced doubts about the governments account.

There is a strong case for the fact that elements within governments do conduct false flag events to sway public opinion.  If needed, they can create the problem, the public reacts, and then the government offers the solution after the people run to them for answers.  This concept of problem, reaction, solution originates from the Hegelian Dialectic.  False flag operations are carried out and then blamed on the political opposition or other opposing groups as reason to destroy or conquer them. According to Hitler this can be manifested in the form of staged terrorism:  “Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death.”

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Posted by on 02/08/2011 in Staged Terror